Links to News Coverage of the Campaign
I’ve never heard of the “Campaign for Liberty” but they seem to be a hard-right conservative group that supports every extreme conservative policy coming out of Fox News. Here’s my response to their Questionnaire: Campaign for Liberty
Numbers USA is an Anti-Immigration organization that seems to support the same kind of draconian policies as Donald Trump. They didn’t ask about building a wall, but they do want to deport 11 million people. Their questionnaire is here: Numbers USA Questionnaire
The NRA sent me a fun questionnaire asking my opinion about The Second Amendment and the rights of Americans to own guns. Here is my completed assignment: NRA Questionnaire.
I published an article describing some of the problems with our two-party system in The Hill, a newspaper in Washington DC covering Congress. It is available here: The Two Party System Is Destroying America
I filed paperwork to run for Congress on January 21, 2016. My First Press Release explains why. The main reason is to try to fix our elections and our political system.